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Friday 26 December 2014

How The Fault In Our Stars broke my Book to Movie Myth !!

I read so many books and also would like to read many others. I also watch movies and it becomes necessary to watch a movie based on a book that I have already read. Curiosity takes better of me and it is almost a crime to watch the movie before reading the book if I already know that the movie is based on a book. And then comes the comparison. I would watch the movie less but compare it more with the book and its a totally frustrating experience if suppose I watch the movie a long time after I read the book because I would forget most of the things what happened in the book and how far the movie represents it. I have watched several such movies starting with the very popular Twilight Saga. The movie was just a minor version of the story and characters. They did not bring the same charm and wonder surrounding the bookish characters. Rather, everything about them seemed forced. I wasn't impressed any more from several such movies like the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, 2 States, 3 Idiots etc.  But then one fine day this myth that the book is always better than the movie was broken so nicely because I came across The Fault In Our Stars. 

The Fault In Our Stars is a very popular book and also it comes under the young adult genre. I myself do not like YA books because I feel since it is YA let them be restricted to young adults and teens only. Hence, I read TFIOS because it was highly popular and was awarded Goodreads reader's choice award. Most people say that they cried at the end of the book but the best thing that I found about it was that how hilarious it was. In between, there were many funny situations that left me giggling and chuckling. Unfortunately, the book did not turn out to be as sad as it could have been for me had not the crucial spoiler presented before me by some uncaring friend at some random moment. That was rude. So much for being late in reading a highly popular book. Nevertheless, I did enjoy reading it. I thought the author managed to bring out the beauty of the story via his book but only until I did not watch the movie adaptation.

It was the best movie that I watched in a long time !! I now wonder that if I had not read the book, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. Even though I knew how the story would proceed and how each scene would turn out to be, this movie had left an impression that few movies do. I never cried while reading the book but I did shed tears once the movie ended. The characters were brought so alive and it seemed as if the picture going on in my head while reading the book somehow sneaked out of my mind and onto my laptop screen. Even though Hazel and Gus were supposed to be sixteen and seventeen year old youngsters, Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort turned out to be their perfect representations. The book wasn't half as much engrossing as the movie. Most of the dialogues were copied from the book and even though, following the usual trend, most of the scenes present in the book were omitted in the movie, I never could say that I watched any other movie half as beautiful as TFIOS.